Major social challenges such as global warming require large forces to tackle them. Thanks to long-term partnerships, our projects geared toward fighting against climate change have an made an impact and generate lasting momentum. MYBLUEPLANET has been working together with numerous partners and volunteers to protect the climate since 2007.

For us, fundraising is more than just raising capital. Our aim is to find authentic partners who share our vision of a sustainable planet and who want to join us in realizing something extraordinary for climate protection and for future generations!

Contact us

Corporate volunteering

Does your company want to get involved in climate protection? On our corporate volunteering page, you can find out what your company can do to help fight climate change.

Corporate Volunteering


Beisheim Stiftung

The Beisheim Foundation is committed to ensuring that everyone can fulfil their potential and play an active role in the community. To achieve this, they promote and develop projects in the areas of education, health, culture and sport. Its approach is characterized by partnership-based design and impact-oriented action.


Federal Office for the Environnement FOEN

Thanks to the support of the FOEN, MYBLUEPLANET was able to lay the foundations for the national implementation of the ClimateActions campaign. This includes action planning and coordination, the organization of events and the printing of information materials. The Federal Office for the Environment is also funding our ClimateSchool project in the areas of education, community and energy transition. Ina addition to supporting our ClimateActions smartphone app, which was launched in September 2023.



RAIFFEISEN Jubiläumsstiftung

The Raiffeisen Jubilee Foundation promotes constructive dialogue between various actors in society. The focus is always on topics that the Foundation considers to be of great importance for the future of Switzerland.



The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation is a charitable organization that aims to promote and strengthen social cohesion and balance in Switzerland. The foundation also contributes to the preservation and development of the natural, cultural and spiritual values and core aspect that are essential to Switzerland’s identity.


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

SECO is the federal government’s center of expertise for key economic policy issues. Its aim is to ensure sustainable economic growth, a high level of employment and fair working conditions. To this end, SECO creates the necessary framework conditions for regulatory, economic and foreign policy.



The Volkart Foundation has supported MYBLUEPLANET from the very beginning. This helps us to finance personnel costs, administration and operating costs, among other things. It is only thanks to the Volkart Foundation that we have the necessary infrastructure to be able to offer our climate protection campaigns and volunteer work long term.


UBS Switzerland

UBS provides global financial advice and solutions to private, institutional and corporate clients in Switzerland and around the world. Headquartered in Zurich, UBS has a global presence in all major financial markets.




Smart City

Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz