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Short Film Award

Apply now with your film clip for the LessIsMore Short Film Award 2020!

Go Direct to the upload form Contact

Are you the creative type who enjoys making videos?  Then be the one to help us show the world that Secondhand shopping is not just trendy but more sensible, and an eco-friendly substitute to throwing out!  With your short film on the subject of secondhand, you take on the challenge of implementing your most imaginative marketing idea and could win CHF 2’000.-!

We have extended the deadline for submissions to August 31, 2020
and look forward to your videos!

Why Secondhand?

You haven’t worn that sweater in ages? You’ve read the book and know the ending? You don’t like your orange trousers anymore? Your PlayStation works fine though you now have other hobbies perhaps?

Before you decide to discard and buy new, there is a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly way (to find the right sweater, cool pants or exciting book), and it’s called “Secondhand”.

With the Less Is More Short Film Award we will demonstrate that the Reuse Principle makes far more sense than simply throwing away.  Extending a product’s lifecycle translates into prevented waste for more reasons than a short video could convey.

Who can participate?

Any creative individual who resides in the German-speaking regions of Switzerland, Germany or Austria can participate in the Less Is More Short Film Award. Production must have begun in 2019/2020. The competition is open to both individuals and teams.

Kalender planen Arbeitstisch Holz Wecker Laptop Handy Zeitung Kaffee rustikal

31. august 2020


07. september 2020

Online Voting Begins


14. september 2020

Online Voting Ends


19. september 2020

Prize Giving

Submit your entry to win a prize in one of three categories!



    Bitte hier eine Liste aller beteiligten Personen der Crew mit Vorname, Name, Jahrgang, Funktion angeben



    Wir klären die Vorführrechte mit der SUISA ab, und zahlen dafür einen Beitrag.

    Musikrechte für den Film:

    Die Musikrechte für ihren Film müssen die Filmemacher/innen selbst abzuklären. Es darf keine Musik ohne das Einverständnis der Rechteinhaber in den Filmen verwendet werden. Dies kann zu hohen finanziellen Forderungen führen. Ausserdem empfehlen wir, lokale Bands und Musik zu nutzen.

    Berge Bergsee Himmel grün blau Nebel klare

    Online Voting

    [IT_EPOLL id=”8660″][/IT_EPOLL]


    Click here for more details on Climate Action

    Climate Action

    Akten in Schublade heruntergekommen beschädigt chaotisch

    Would you like to know more?

    Our project leader Juan Pablo Dosa Leon can help you further.

    To all our Project & Program Managers
    Team MYBLUEPLANET Juan hält Planet weisser Hintergrund

    Many thanks to our partners that made LessIsMore happen!

    BluePartner Bronze

    Logo Stiftung Mercator Schweiz rosa ohne Hitnergrund


    Logo DKJSO - Dachverband Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Kanton Solothurn schwarz rot
    Logo design akademie berlin rosa grau

    Skifahren Sonne Wald Alpen Berge Bäume Himmel blau weiss

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