Get your personal Climate Coach!
You would like to do something for the climate, but don’t know where to start? If so, sign up right now for one of the limited spots as a coachee in our free coaching programme. It’s very easy:
- fill out the application form below.
- tell us more about your motivation to participate in the programme.
- choose the ClimateCoach of your choice (no guarantee!).
Together with your ClimateCoach, you will work towards jointly defined goals in the categories of nutrition, consumption, mobility and living for six weeks. During this time, your coach will be there for you (via WhatsApp or video call), answer all your questions about climate protection and show you what you can change in your everyday life to reduce your CO2 footprint as effectively as possible.
In this video you get a first impression of what it’s all about.
What you can expect:
- Professional support from one of our ClimateCoaches.
- Climate protection tips tailored to your individual situation.
- Exciting facts and information about climate protection in everyday life.
- Great prizes for reaching your goals.
- Participation is free of charge.
The deadline for applications is February 1st, 2021.
After that, the applications will be reviewed and you will find out by 5 February whether you are in the running! We start on February 8th. Are you ready to become a ClimateHero?

Your potential Climate Coach
Many thanks to our partners who make the ClimateCoach project possible!


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