Employee impact e-learning that drives climate protection results among Swiss Hotels






E-learning 4 ClimateActions

E-learning 4 ClimateActions is a pioneering program that not only engages employees in climate protection efforts but also supports hotels in achieving their carbon-neutral objectives. By fostering positive, climate-friendly behaviors among employees, it paves the way for a sustainable future.

E-learning 4 ClimateActions Concept

We collaborated with top hotels like Carlton St. Moritz to ensure our content is accurate and relevant to hotel operations. Partnering with EBP, a global sustainability consulting firm, we created a learning journey that meets market demands. Our content is also validated by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.

The module “Electricity” is used as an example to illustrate the E-learning Journey:


“Blue Line” step by step on the common path towards net zero

 The learning journey

 The learning journey

The reporting tool

E-learning reporting tool utilizes learning analytics and data tracking to monitor learner engagement, interaction with course materials, module completion, and quiz performance in real-time.

This tool plays a crucial role in optimizing the E-learning experience by identifying patterns, implementing targeted interventions, and ensuring that each learner receives a fruitful and personalized learning journey.

The module “Electricity” is used as an example to illustrate the impact measurement each module proposes.

E-learning Free Trial

Our E-Learning program covers six major topics: Waste, Electricity, Heating & Cooling, Water, Nutrition, and Mobility. Each module addresses the diverse mindsets within a hotel and is adapted to each hotel departments and employee level of responsibility, making sure everyone is motivated to contribute to climate protection. To help you better understand our learning approach, we are pleased to offer free access to our Waste Management module. We hope you find it valuable and look forward to connecting with you soon. Sign up to get started.


Logo MYBLUEPLANET Kreis blau weisse Schrift ohne Hintergrund

Waste Management

Sign Up

Agathe Dreyer
Projektleiterin E-Learning 4 ClimateActions

Agathe has been a volunteer at MYBLUEPLANET for 2 years and is since January 2024 a project manager of the ClimateActions 4 Companies program, with a focus on employee engagement. She has more than 10 years of experience within the International Luxury Hospitality Industry. From Great Britain to France, Spain, Hong Kong, Vietnam and now Zurich, Agathe lead small team of 15 persons to 80 persons in her various roles within the Rooms Division of hotels. Throughout her career Agathe has successfully developed sustainability projects in the hotels she has worked for. She brings her extended knowledge of the employee management within the hospitality industry along with her understanding on how to implement sustainable measures within hotels’ operations.

Rauand Kreutzer
Co-Program Manager ClimateActions 4 Companies

Contact us


Do you have any questions or would you like to participate in E-Learning 4ClimateActions?

If so, please get in touch with our contact persons or send us an email at: climateactions4companies@myblueplanet.ch.

You can also reach us by phone at: +41 79 125 95 41

Get to know the MYBLUEPLANET team.