Erfa-Day - Schloss Wartegg

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro

Today the generations Y and Z account for 47% of the workforce in Switzerland (BFS 2022). 43 % of these generations find job fulfillment when their employers prioritize sustainability (Deloitte, 2022). The millennials and centennials are becoming more and more advocate to climate change action. To stay competitive, employers must have a meaningful sustainability strategy.


To provide orientation MYBLUEPLANET is hosting an event, Erfa Day 2023, to exchange experiences and knowledge on engaging workforce towards a climate-friendly future.


Employee Engagement Erfa – Day 2023

Date: Tuesday 06th of June 2023

Location: Schloss Wartegg, Von Blarer Weg 1, 9404 Rorschacherberg (SG)

Time: 11:00 to 16:30 with Apero at the end

On-site participation: The event is free of charge and the number of participants is limited to 40 people. There are still places available!

Participation Online: A moderated zoom meeting is available as an alternative.

Target audience: All Swiss Tourism organisations and ClimateActions 4 Companies tourism companies are invited.




Logo Hotellerie Suisse png
Logo MYBLUEPLANET blau ohne Hintergrund


The focus will be on understanding how to positively enable employees to contribute towards sustainability and give them a feeling of fulfilment, as highlighted in Deloitte’s 2022 Global Gen Z and Millennial survey. For an employer operating in an increasingly competitive job market, this means that they will gain a better foothold with this generation if their organisation is built on a meaningful sustainability strategy which considers its workforce as a major player.

While some organisations have been championing sustainability practices since their founding, for many the topic still poses a new challenge, particularly given the ever-evolving regulatory landscape and the still limited guidance provided.

At Erfa-Day 2023, learn more about market research conducted on employee engagement in the tourism sector of Switzerland. What are your best practices in engaging your employees on your climate change initiative? What are your struggles? How can you best support a change in mindset and motivate your workforce to practice better environmental behaviour? The Erfa-Day 2023 will bring answers and solutions.

We look forward to learning from each other on 06th of June in Rorschacherger on how we can make concrete employee engagement even more effective.



Check-in with coffee and croissants

Only participants on site


Welcome & introductory round




Market research results on employees’ commitment to climate protection.

Herr Daniel Lüscher



Frau Agathe Dreyer

Volunteer at MBP – Specialist in the Hospitality Industry



Employee Engagement in Tourism – Lessons from around the World!

Prof. Dr. Julianna Priskin,

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Institute for Tourism and Mobility (ITM)



Climate-friendly lunch

Only participants on site



Group activities on challenges and best practices in engaging your employees




The Swiss Tourism Federation’s perspective

Frau Lisa Arnet

Project Manager at STV FST Swiss Tourism Federation



limateActions 4 Companies with focus on Employee Engagement – step by step explained with examples

Frau Agathe Dreyer

Volunteer at MBP – Specialist in the Hospitality Industry



Apéro and toast to the joint commitment


Only participants on site

Event venue

Luftaufnahme Schlosshotel Wartegg bäume schloss see grün idyllisch

Schloss Wartegg, Von Blarer Weg 1, 9404 Rorschacherberg (SG)


Portrait Julianna Priskin draussen Baum blau

Prof. Dr. Julianna Priskin
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Institute for Tourism and Mobility (ITM)

Julianna Priskin is an expert in sustainable tourism management with over 20 years of experience in applied research and consulting in Australia, Canada and Switzerland. She brings diverse project experience in general sustainable business management. Her previous projects focused on environmental management related to tourism in national parks and protected areas. Since 2012, she has been teaching and researching sustainable business management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, working on projects related to consumers of sustainable tourism and general corporate social responsibility. Julianna has also been involved in some international flagship projects, including the Zero Emissions Race, the World Advanced Vehicle Expedition and is co-founder of a small sustainable tourism company.

Agathe Dreyer
Volunteer at MBP - Hospitality Specialist

Agathe Dreyer is a volunteer at MYBLUEPLANET and is part of the ClimateActions project team with the highlight on employee engagement. She has more than 10 years of experience within the International Luxury Hospitality Industry. From Great Britain to France, Spain, Hong Kong, Vietnam and now Zurich, Agathe lead small team of 15 persons to 80 persons in her various roles within the Rooms Division of hotels. Throughout her career Agathe has successfully developed sustainability projects in the hotels she has worked for. She brings her extended knowledge of the employee management within the hospitality industry along with her understanding on how to implement sustainable measures within hotels’ operations.

Lisa Arnet
Project Manager at STV FST Schweizer Tourismus-Verband

Lisa Arnet has recently joined the Swiss Tourism Federation as a project manager for the Swisstainable program. Lisa has had a multifaceted work experience in various domains, from finance to cabin crew to sustainability. While her career advanced, it became clear to Lisa that she wanted to work professionally for the climate and the environment. Lisa has obtained a bachelor’s degree in business management with a specialisation in the tourism industry and has recently received her Master’s degree in innovation and entrepreneurship. Lisa brings a wide range of expertise which she positively contributes to her project manager role. Lisa is also a swimming instructor at the Swimmschule Thun in her free time.

Team MYBLUEPLANET Daniel Lüscher hält Planet weisser Hintergrund

Daniel Lüscher

Daniel Lüscher’s heart beats for his family, climate protection and the blue planet. Growing up in the Appenzell region, he studied electrical engineering EurEta and industrial engineering SVTS in St.Gallen before finally realising his childhood dream.

As an airline pilot with Swissair and Swiss, he saw the beauty of the blue planet – but also its vulnerability. With increasing responsibility and as Captain/Selection Officer at PrivatAir, it became clear to him: high time to act! Today, he is President of the climate protection movement MYBLUEPLANET, has hung up his pilot’s hat, is completing an Executive MBA in Sustainable Business and is fully focused on concrete climate protection. Daniel Lüscher is married and lives with his adult daughter in Winterthur.