Klima Coach App & Toolkits 14 participate Support this action now!

Klima Coach App & Toolkits

Welcome to live climate protection.

This app leads you step by step into a more climate-friendly life. It gives tips and helps you to systematically reduce the oh-so-large carbon footprint and enrich your life. Step by step instead of aches and pain. You will see that a climate-friendly lifestyle is not that hard. Get the 1st version of the app and the toolkits – there are never enough role models. Be one. 

Icon Planet Pflanzen grün weiss

Jetzt bei Google Play

Help us spread the word.

There are many ways that you can support climate protection. For example, by motivating and inspiring others and thereby contributing to a better future for everyone.

  •     Order the offline toolkit containing posters for hanging, stickers and cards to distribute.

  • Download the online toolkit and use the images for your own posts. 

  • Take part in the discussions on our social media channels:


  • Tag @myblueplanet and use #KlimaCoach and we’ll share your posts with our community.
  •   Put our banner on your website, your social media profiles or blogs and link them to myblueplanet.ch/klima.
  • Setze unseren Banner auf deine Webseite, deine Social Media Profile oder Blogs und verlinke sie mit myblueplanet.ch/klima.
  • Say NO to fast fashion and shopping trips and share this in Climate Actions. There you will also find many other ideas for taking on an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

These toolkits contain documents for advertising the Klima Coach app.

By using these documents, you aid in encouraging others to adopt a climate-friendly lifestyle.

Grafik Muttern Ziele Netzwerk ohne Hintergrund blau

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